Hack What it does Importance
_EnableColorOptionsGMND Color Options Enabler 5
Gunmod's camera mods Gives more freedom and control over positioning camera for screen shots. 5 Now that I have it, I'd had the game without it.
censor Elinates censor blur 5
J. M. Pescado
antiprankhack Don't know. 3
asprechargetweak Allows you to recharge aspiration reward objects instead of having to get new ones. 4
authorized_personnel_only Object: Eliminates undesired sims from area controlled. 1 Have it.  Don't use it.
autosoc Adds Macro... Socialize to sim's pie menu 4
autoyak Adds "Call Friends" to telephone
callover Don't know.
coffeecuphack Sims put cups in dish washer 4
collegeclock Object: Take Final Now and other options 5
CribSleepNight Babies sleep all night 5
dailygardener Gardener comes every day 5
deathfix Don't know. 3
DMA Sims Workers Set Special NPC Set. 4
DMA Sims WooHoo Set Special NPC Set. 4
fasterbuyclothes Don't browse if you've already decided to buy. 4
ffsdebugger Object: JMP's lot debugger. 5
ghostbuster Object: Sends ghosts back to their tombstones 3
hugginghack Kids don't interrupt important things just to hug parents when they get home. 4
ltwvariety Gives sims greater variety of and more logical probabilities for rolling lifetime wants 4
macotastics Not sure.  Something do to do with skilling, I think. 1
manual-navigation Don't know. ?
marriage-traditional Bride takes husband's last name. 4
ME_MindControlMirror Merola's Mind Control Mirror! 5
moveoutbugfix Don't know. 3
nmefix Don't know. 3
noagediscrimination Elders can get good jobs. 5
noaplusspam Sims remember only one A+. 5
nocheeringhack No cheering for A+. 5
nocollegeobsession Don't know. 3
nodeanspam Don't know. 3
nodroptiredbaby Don't know. 3
noeatcrap Sims don't eat rotten food. 4
nogizmowants Sims don't want junk. 4
nogreekmadness Sims don't become obsessed with joining Greek house. 4
noinfluenceobsession Sims don't want to influence people just for the heck of it.  Corrects the "Influence" fatal flaw. 5
no-jealousy-at-all-2 Eliminates jealousy. 5
nomoveamnesia Don't know. 3
nonpcspam Don't know. 3
noplagiarism Sims get credit for novels no matter who answers the phone when the publisher calls. 1 Fixed by University patch, I think. 
norandomcrush Not sure, but sounds important. 5
noshockforoutgoing Nudity doesn't bother outgoing sims. 1 Nice hack but based on wrong criteria.
nossrespawn Something about a Secret Society? 3
nostrangerdance Sims don't ask strangers to dance. 3 Could be improved.  A refusal to dance shouldn't make people enemies.  We realy need a whole new dancing hack.
notelepathy Sims don't know about relatives they haven't met. 2
notowniechildren Not sure.  1 I might installed this for a good reason but I don't remember.
noturnoffcomputer Sims don't turn off computers when they're done. 3 I don't remember why this is important.
novelprogress I think this shows a progress bar when writing a novel. 3
nowhatsthis Sims don't do "What's this?" about every new object. 4 Might be category 5.  That'sa really annoying feature.
Objects-no-route-fail-anim Sim's don't throw childish tantrums because they can't get to things they don't know about. 5
phonehack Lots of fixes to telephone. 5 Absolutely essential.
pianofix Don't know.   3 Might be important.
plumbing-lessbreaking Plumbing breaks less often. 4 This would be a 5 if it worked but the plumbing still breaks far too often.
poolhack Don't know. 3
skillinator Programs sims' skilling behavior. 1 I never use it.
sleepclock Programmable sleep cloc. 2 I only started playing with this a couple of days ago so I probably wouldn't miss it.
stereohack Don't know. ?
synctimer Object: Cloned from the Elixir bottle; keeps track of days on the lot. 3 I've been using this more lately.
thefightclub Don't know. ? I have no idea.
tippingfix Don't know. 3 Probably one of those things that JMP says is essential.
togafix Don't know. 1 Never had a sim wear a toga so I'd probably not notice if I didn't have this.
WooHooTeens_6a_EP Allows sims to propose move-in to townie teens. Also allows teens to woohoo. 5 The ability to rescue townies from Never Never Land is essential.
sim logical hacked objects
AreaController Part of Prison Set. 2 I played with a little bit but wouldn't miss the prison set.
AreaDoor Part of Prison Set. 2
AreaDoorAtaveraBars Part of Prison Set. 2
AreaShopDoor Part of Prison Set. 2
BottomlessBottle Object: Baby bottle never spoils or runs out. 5
CellDoor Part of Prison Set. 2
DellDoorAtaveraBars Part of Prison Set. 2
ColumnHider Object: Hides columns from view. 2 Haven't used it but might want to for screen shots.
ElderSleepNight Elders don't wake up in the middle of the night. 5
FamilyDoor Only family may pass. 5
FemaleAreaDoor Part of Prison Set. 2 I *think* this is part of the Prison set.
HomeworkSkills Don't know. 3 Inge must have thought it was important.
InCellBed Part of Prison Set. 2
InCellBunk Part of Prison Set. 2
InCellInstFood Part of Prison Set. 2
InCellShower Part of Prison Set. 2
InCellSink Part of Prison Set. 2
InCellToilet Part of Prison Set. 2
institutionalfood_greenmush Part of Prison Set. 2
institutionalfood_greymush Part of Prison Set. 2
instituionalservery Part of Prison Set. 2
InvisLightController Object: Makes ceiling lights invisible. 2 Might want it for screen shots.
MaleAreaDoor Part of Prison Set. 2 I *think* this is part of the Prison set.
NoAutonomyCompGames Not sure. 2 Need to find out what this is supposed to do.  If it prevents autonmously playing computer games I don't think it's working.
NoAutonomyFridge Sims don't prepare meals unless told to. 5
NoAutonomySmashHouse Sims don't smash dollhouses. 5
NoDisease Sims don't get sick. 5
NoEmptyPot Toddler potty doesn't need to be emptied. 5
NoKickTrash Sims don't kick trash cans. 5
NoTeenRunaway Sim teens don't run away? 5 If this is what I think it is, it is essential.
NoWelfare This might be a JMP hack.  I think it prevents some of game handing out extra money to sims when they move. 2
OneWayJustArch Sims only pass in one direction. 5 I used these in more than half the houses I've built.
PayArcade1 Part of family business set. 2
PayArcade2 Part of family business set. 2
PayBuffet Part of family business set. 2
PayPinballElect Part of family business set. 2
PayPinballSackman Part of family business set. 2
PayPinballShark Part of family business set. 2
PermaFridge Object: Refrigerator doesn't need to be restocked. 5 I used this in almost every house.
PrisonController Part of Prison Set. 2
PrisonerToken Part of Prison Set. 2
ReadingSkills_NCI Don't know. ?
ResBedDouble Reservable double bed. 5 Almost every bed I have in my houses is one of Inge's reservable beds.
ResBedDoubleExp Reservable double bed. 5
ResBedSingle Reservable single bed. 5
ResBedSingleHitec Reservable single bed. 5
ReservableCheapDesk Reservable desk. 5 Essential for kids.
ReservableCrib Reservable crib. 5 Essential for sort out toddlers.
schooltable Kids can do school work on this table.  Part of home school set. 2 I haven't messed with this much.
schoolwork Don't know. ?
simlogicalCribCandyBlue Just a recolor, I think. ?
simlogicalCribCandyGold Just a recolor, I think. ?
simlogicalCribCandyPink Just a recolor, I think. ?
simlogicalCurtainsCandyBlue Just a recolor, I think. ?
simlogicalCurtainsCandyGold Just a recolor, I think. ?
simlogicalCurtainsCandyPink Just a recolor, I think. ?
SimlogicalHomework Don't know.  ? Is this buyable homework?  If so, I need to find it because there have been lots of situations where I'd want some extra homework available.
SimlogicalNoAutonomyFridge I wonder if this is a duplicate.
simlogicalReservedBeds_patch2 Enables reserved beds? Gotta check the documentation.  I don't know for sure that I need this.
SimLogicalTeleporter Teleporter painting. 5 Used in every house.
Spongebath_patch Part of Prison Set. 2
StaffController Part of Prison Set. 2
simlogical special doors Lots of different kinds of doors that allow only certain sims to pass. 5 Used in every house.
TeleporterPaintingPlus Same as teleporter but adds some of the testing cheats. 2 I don't use this much.
Age Transition Fixes - Teens Keep Loves Teens don't fall out of love just because they grow up. 4
Age Transition Fixes Don't know. 4
Always Flush Toilets Sims always flush. 5
Call to Chat - Invite Over Fix Don't know. 4
Casual Romance - 11 hacks Allows romantic interactions without crush or love happening. 3 Add some realism but I don't use it.
Chinese & Coffee Sit Down fix Ver 1.1 Don't know. ?
collegeadjuster Not sure. ? I think this might be Two Jeff's version of JMP's college clock.
Congrats Fix - No Congrats Version Don't know. ?
Congrats Fix Ver 1.1 Don't know. ?
Diploma Repo-Stolen Fix Might be an object that will replace a stolen diploma. ? Never used it.
DormGenderController Allows you to specify the sex of a student moving into a dorm. 5
Energy Static Sculpture Ver 1.1 Don't know. ?
Food Already Available Fix Sims won't cook if food is already available. 5
No Autonomus Napping Sims only nap if you tell them to. 4
No Class or Exam Credit Fix Fixes bugs where sims didn't get credit for going to class or exams. 5
No Friends Needed for Careers Sims advance no matter how many friends they have. 5 Maxis's programming is way too cynical here.
No Indoors Kicky Bag Sims won't play kicky bag indoors. 4
No Instrument Want Spam Sims don't want to buy drums and guitars. 5
No Personal Electronics Wants Sims don't want to buy cell phones and handheld games. 5
No Plant Want Spam Sims don't want to buy plants. 5
No Play in Bathtub Sims don't autonomously play in bathtubs. 5 That was cute *once*.
No Resurrect Want Spam Sims don't want to resurrect others. 5
No Shoving from Look Through Sims don't commit felony assualt just because someone saw them in a telescope. 5 Making all sims exhibit violent sociopathic behavior is among Maxis's absolutely worst mistakes in programming the game.
No Sports Party Wants Sims don't want to throw sports parties. 5
One School Bus Dialog Should see only one school bus dialog even with multiple children in the house. 3 This doesn't seem to be working in my game.
Plastic Surgery for Teens Allows changing facial characteristics of teens. 5
Students Move Away From the Portal Students don't block the entry and exit portals at he ends of the sidewalk. 5
Teasing Fix Ver 1.1 Don't know. 4
Thought Balloon Generating Bonsai Object that causes sim to show specified thought baloon. 1 Never used it  I don't think it's working in my game.
Visitor Snacking Fix Visitors don't raid the refrigerator. 3 I might rate this higher if I didn't have it.  I never noticed visitors raiding the refrigerator.
WantSlot & PersonalElectronicsTree Don't know. ?
Welcome Wagon Dialog Ver 1.1 When sims move into new home, a dialog asks if you want the welcome wagon to show up. 5 I almost always say "no" so this must be an essential hack.
YounAdult&LazyAnimFix Don't know. ?
Hacks That Would to Make Nightlife Acceptable
nofury Totally eliminate "fury" from the game. 5
right-side driveway Aiblity to put a driveway a the right-hand side of the lot. 4 I can live without this but the limitations on where you could put driveways made the cars feature totally worthless.  I had only one existing house with room for a driveway on the left.
nogrundy Totally eliminate Mrs. Grundy from the game. 4 Offensive.
novampires Totally eliminate vampires from the game. 3 I'm ambivalent about having vampires in my game.  Aliens are annoying enough.
allow fan content Don't require that fan-created content has to be purchased all over again. 5 Absolutely essential.  I don't want to screw up hundreds of houses.
allow custom eye colors Nightlife changed the eye color of all my sims that had custom eye colors. 5 Fatal flaw in Nightlife.  It messed up half my sims.